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Colourful, Practical Door Protection for Radiology Department.

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The Northern General Hospital in Sheffield chose Yeoman Shield fire rated door protection systems to refurbish doors in the Radiology Department.

The configuration and refurbishment of the department was undertaken to improve patient flow, the overall environment and to rationalise inpatient and outpatient areas to satisfy privacy, dignity and capacity issues.


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Yeoman Shield’s (Harrison Thompson) directly employed fixing operatives, who have been assessed as being competent to install such passive fire-resistant products by FIRAS, installed fire rated door protection panels, PVCu clad Glazing Bead Units and Door Edge Protectors to various doors throughout the unit.

The addition of these products will prevent impact damage extending the lifecycle of the doors, in turn, reducing the amount of time and money spent on repair and replacement, whilst contributing towards an aesthetically pleasing environment.

The doors in the hospital’s radiology department were required to be colour coded to reflect the actual department area functions e.g. Fluoroscopy rooms denoted by Yellow.

With a wide colour palette available from Yeoman Shield, the door protection was able to be supplied in corresponding colours, adding to the design and function of the department.

For more information on Yeoman Shield fire door rated door protection products and fire door services go to www.yeomanshield.com